I am not using PPPoE Its a big network for at Student dorm, where i have 9 VLAN's one for each Dorm. Where each student have a small router in each room a small HAP Lite. And now for the last VLAN i want to have multiple IP's for a Room, just like some ISP are doing. Like this example i found on the...
I thing i maybe could be to end op with something like this IP Subnet WAN : Subnet : Gateway : LAN Pool IP : Start IP : End IP : Subnet : Broadcast IP : Gateway : But...
Hi I Have a Setup where i have about 2000 Public LAN IP's witch are routet on one single WAN IP. Where i have a CCR1016-12S-1S+ as an router. Eg. First IP : With additional IP underneath routing on the first IP. 195.133...
Dim cmd As ITikCommand = connection.CreateCommandAndParameters("/interface/ethernet/switch/mac-based-vlan/add", "src-mac-address","11:22:33:44:55:66", "new-customer-vid","14")
Hi i have a problem with the API and creating parameters. When i do it manuel via the command line i use tool user-manager user add customer= admin username="test007" password="nigher" tool user-manager user create-and-activate-profile test007 profile=Always customer=admin Via th...
It all most works . Key.Chain = firewallFilter.ChainType.Forward, Error BC30451 'Key' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level. Error BC30980 Type of 'firewallFilter' cannot be inferred from an expression containing 'firewallFilter'. Just in case you want to update yor cod...
have newer have much luck with such converts. It also gives some errors withe the lines Dim logs = connection.LoadList(Of Log)() Error BC30456 'LoadList' is not a member of 'ITikConnection'. Dim firewallFilter = New FirewallFilter() With { Error BC30002 Type 'FirewallFilter' is not defined. connecti...
Hi 我在想是否有人e have a working project or sample project using the tik4net .NET they could share? Thay would be a big help for me to begin with, i can onley find projects with C# So that i can be sure ewerything is set correct up.
I can confirm it works by disabling a filter rule. For me it was the default rule /ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=input comment="default configuration" in-interafce=ether1-gateway But then the next question is what rule do i have to make to allow the eoip tunnel to work because i...
我试过几个6.29.1固件版本and 6.33.2 and the problem is the same. Only then ID 0 is used its possible to get traffic thru. In Firmware 6.29.1 the FastPath option is not possible and there its also only works with TunnelID 0. In 6.33.2 it also only works with TunnelID 0. I hav...
I have en MySQL database with all the Individual settings for each apartment, with the WAN IP, SSID and SSID Password. Then i have a VB script reading chose information and and and passes them in to a template config and replaces {SSID} and {SSIDKEY} alt other information with the values from the Da...
In my setup its not necessary. Management is blocked from the LAN Site. And on the WAN site ist only allowed from an specific Subnet on an separate VLAN. But else its right its best to make a new admin account wit another username.
Is it possible to set the Admin password via a configuration script ? The password at within a normal backup file but not an exportet config file. I had hoped for an hashed password ore something like that. The problem is i need to configure 850 individual hAP Lite boxes with an custom config file s...
Not sure that the right way. I have tried some playing around with simple queue's and them seems to limit each user to the among of tragic the are assigned to and not more. But what i want is the to total bandwidth is equally shared between the total number of active users. So that if 10 active user...
Hi i have a setup witch i have some problems with. I have an Cloud Core Router win an 2 Gbit Internet connection witch is share between 7 locations. I have created a VLAN and a bridge for each for each of the 7 locations. The Internet Connection is comming trough one og the SFP+ Ports and the LAN co...
Hi h have a Cloud Core Router CCR-1036 RouterOS 6.27 where i have some problems vidt multiple VLAN's and DHCP Assignment on each VLAN. The configuration have 10 different VLAN's one for each co location, almost each co location has public WAN IP Adresses ut at the moment i just test with the correnc...
No my NAT and routing is right the way it is. You dont have to make NAT for each subnet for it to work. I dont know why, but after i cleaned my my code with better names it seems to be working. Very stange. Bit is case any other get the same problem her is my config. /interface bridge add l2mtu=1598...
Again all DHCP options is right, i get the right IP, Subnet, DNS and GW informatiosn on both interfaces so thats all right. The strange thing ewerything is working on the Work bridged network On the Family bridge i still get the correct IP And ewerything for that network but the only thing working i...
Is a wrote DHCP is working as it should i get the corect IP Adresses on each bridged interface. So everything i working there. The only problem is that on my family network i dont have access to the internet. It work on the Work part. The bridged interfaces have the right IP Adresses and DHCP Settin...
This i the default config where i have just separated the 2 sides of ports of the router and made a separate bridge. No havent made anything special to nat and masquerade both IP-ranges with the WAN But shouldent the default role not take care of that [code2=ros]/ip firewall nat add action=masquerad...
Hi i am trying to configure a RB2011 2HnD o have to separate Subnets, so that's there one for Work and one for the Family so that i cam make separate rules for the LAN to the Family so that they only are allowed to use the internet until a specific time at night. The RB have 10 Ports Port 1 : WAN Co...
Hi dssmiktik Your rule seems to work now, dont know that ore why since i havend made any changes. Now it uses the internal and static dns even if the client has entered a static DNS of an external server. So can only sat thanks a lot for your greate help. Now i only need to get my VPN problem http:/...
Yes the traffic by the Nat Rule is counting so traffic is coming to it. And have found out that it’s only counting bytes then I use other DNS Servers than the RB itself, so some part of the rule works. I use a RB450G with Software Version 4.11 I am also having this config in the box Equal bandwidth ...
这也是我创建了规则的方式,但我一个m still afraid its not working quite as it should. When i test it by giving at computer a static address and set the DNS Server to eg. OpenDNS and Then when i monitor the Firewall Connections i can se my local IP connect...
Hi My configs is mate like then following ------- RB450G ---------- Internet ---------- Trustgate 160 ------- /ip ipsec policy add action=encrypt comment="" disabled=no dst-address= \ ipsec-protocols=esp level=require priority=0 proposal=...
Thanks that solved the problem with the "Torrent" in the DNS.
Now I only need to get solved my last problem for force the users to use the RB as the DNS server so that they are now able to use any other DNS server like Open DNS ore things like that.
Hi I have tried to configure a VPN from my RB450G v4.11 to a Trustgate 160 Firewall using this guide witch is for a Zywall and have just changed the required configurations so that the matched in moth ends. http://www.potato-people.com/blog/2009/10/ipsec-vpns-for-mikrotik-routeros/ The Tunnel is up ...
I actually have those entries too, forgot to mention that. I have tried to analyse my network traffic and think i have found a possible way those entries come. It seems like them comes when i eg. ping www.bittorrent.com then i get the correct IP Back Reply from bytes=32 time=166ms TT...
My problem is that i even as i have the above rules to block for torrents and other stuff sometimes have those entries in my DNS list of the router. With the above rules the access to utorrent should be blocked. With my own machine I can’t ping or access the website or anything and nothings shows up...
Hi dssmiktik I have tried with your rule to only allow DNS from the clients to the Router itself But I don’t seems to work, when I enter the command it asks for chain: where I can shoes from dstnat and srcnat And I will only accept it then I chose dstnat. But the rule doesn’t seems to work. Bacause ...
你好,我发现年代的配置来阻止访问pecific websites which work well. ip firewall layer7-protocol add comment="" name=p2p_www regexp="^.*(get|GET).+\ (torrent|thepiratebay|isohunt|entertane|demonoid|btjunkie|mininova|flixflux|vertor|h33t|\ zoozle|bitnova|bitsoup|meganova...
I have tried with the example from ” Standard Policy-Based Routing with Failover” and modified for my setup. But I doesn’t work, I then have no access out or inn. ip firewall mangle add src-address= action=mark-routing new-routing-mark=net2 chain=prerouting ip firewall mangle add src-a...
How should a VLAN and a management switch solve my problem. My problems seems to be a routing problem, to get the outgoing traffic out of the same interface on which it was received. It should be possible to solve somehow since every other Firewall with Dual ore treble WAN I have worked with has no ...
It seems that the problem is that the traffic isn’t send back thru the right interface. I have tried to make a static route that all traffic from the external server I am using for testing is sending it thru the gateway to interface WAN 2. Now I can connect to my web server on the static IP of WAN 2...
Hi I am not sure about what connection tracking is, but this should be the most important things in my config. I can see in the Firewall / Nat Bytes and Packages that data is received when I try to connect to my Web server on the public IP of WAN2 but it’s not able to display the page. When I do the...
I have 2 public IP addresses in 2 separate subnets. They are from 2 different ISP,’s. And since I have got a new and much faster connection I want to have everything to that but, since some customers still have the old address in their application I want to be able to still use my old connection jus...
I have a RB450G SW. V.4.10 I have now for the last 2 days tried to set it up to use 2 WAN interfaces with no luck. I can only get connection thru the first interface and no connection on the second. I can from external also only ping the first interface but not the second one. So was wondering if so...
Thanks Found a solution that worked with the following commands ip firewall nat add chain=dstnat action=dst-nat to-addresses= protocol=tcp dst-address=! dst-address-type=local dst-port=80 ip firewall nat add chain=srcnat action=masquerade src-address= o...
Hello I have a problem with my RB450G with RouterOS 4.10. I have a Domain Name where all records lead to my Public IP, where I e.g. have a Web Server. All external users can get access to my Web Server without any problem. So my routing, DNS and NAT I okay. But I have at problem when I have a machin...
Hi I have a RouterBoard 450G Level 5 with software Version 4.5 I have around in the forum read about Software Version 4.6 and 4.9 but can’t find any ware to download them. Om Mikrotik’s download page I can only find Version 3.30, 4.10 and 5.0 beta 2 So I was wondering if there is some special I have...
No i have a 25/4 Mbit connection so each IP will have to share the total bandwigth. But would like to have my normal Web and Mail connection running on the WAN1 for incoming Mail and Web Server and then be able to use WAN2 for testing other system for customers where I often have to have separate MX...
Hello I have got a RouterBoard 450G with RouterOS Level 5 and software version 4.5 and must say that I am very impressed about it and how easy it is to use. So I saw a lot of new opportunities and have now got to a problem which I hope someone can help me with. My problem I that I want to use 2 port...