Dear Mikrotik Member Quality of Control of all process that SOC or NOC doing along of the days to detect some error and help to SOC or NOC.- But Mikrotik not give it the support. Wireless David - changed Cell Radius by error and some customer not reconnect, the point here is I find into the Syslog S...
Dear Mikrotik User & Support Yesterday monring I decide to upgarde following the recommendation of Mikrotik from Long-Term 6.47.9 to 6.47.10 and Today Few minutes ago, I get this error: " Aug/11/2021 06:50:17 system,error,critical router was rebooted without proper shutdown, probably kernel...
Hi [hola] eworm Work ok. just replace address by data :foreach i in=[/ip dns cache all find where (name~"dns-name") && (type="A") && (data!="")] do={ :local tmpAddress [/ip dns cache get $i address ]; delay delay-time=3000ms Question: 1. How do ...
Hi eworm can you test my script into your equipment Mikrotik 6.47.9 but remember to replace: replace dns-name for replace list_name for mikrotik1 What do you will be expect after execute my script: A. /ip route rule print -----> you will be see add two new rule with table=INTERNET B. /i...
Hola/Hello from Spain Bugs 6.47.9 Just-work on 6.46.8 Error: Scripting not global or local variable work Mikrotik Ticket: SUP-42106 My script: Update DNS and find dns-name where I add ip route rule add :foreach i in=[/ip dns cache all find where (name~"dns-name") && (type="A&q...
Dear Mārtiņš S The rb911 coming working how Customer Antenna and working ok When start the problem: • When exist and power cut + come back the electricity + power cut + come back the electricity ( Two power cut and Two come back electricity) o The rb911 start booting Stop booting Start booting •...
Hello, I sent an email to Mikrotik Support to report this situation and understand more clear Why.- Apparently this CCR1072/1036 is not support this type of configuration or structure.- I have other idea but I will be continue testing. I coming working with Mikrotik CCR1016/1036 from the last few ye...
This morning, we pass the traffic direct without the Mikrotik QoS - Fibber, after we make a download using 8 Debian Server, and the result was more than 7GB aprox.- on This case if you note Mikrotik using Bridge of the SFP+ just to permit pass 1.8G.- The main point here is how do you can pass over t...
Mikrotik Engineer.- We are testing Mikrotik CCR1072 and CCR1036 with SFP-10G with objetive to be use how QoS or Firewall on the last version of Mikrotik.- I attach the picture and I expect that you understand more clear. Situation: If I connect 8 Server using a Vlan40 where I set to each server and ...
I dont know if you have this problem or not but I post here with the objetive that you test on your network and if you have the same problem please report with Mikrotik.
Situation: The btest to PPPoE Client Interface from some CCR with Firmware different I get less MB
I have configure OSPF dinamically on my network and I have two way for in/out to Internet with the Same ISP my problem that I have configure on R2 a public IP address range but all the time this public range go out from R2 to internet across R1 or R3. I need to configure that all the time this publi...
Dear All Remember that my problem is How I can combine the rounting traffic on R1 that come from 84.X.X.209/Asterisk Server to OSPF Dynamic with R3, R4, R5 and Vlan20 on R2 At the moment I setting up on R2 and R2 the following configuration: /ip route rule add action=lookup disabled=no dst-address=8...
Dear Mikrotik Users I need your support maybe someOne can support to me.- The point is: How I can transport my VoIP traffic across the new Vlan20 and the rest of the traffic for the normal way. I create on my RB1200/PPPoE Server R2, Cisco Switch and Main router R1 a Vlan20, after to do this, I creat...
Dear Mikrotik User My name is Marco Antonio and our company work with this Applications and I certified that work 100% with Mikroik and we have more control of our network if you need more information please let me know write or call me. We start to work using bridge network but we change to PPPoE a...
One question first - why do you think the game can be affected by the internet? All video and game content is on the PS3 device, if the video is slow, it's not because of internet. If it's an online game, connection to internet is only used for commnunication between players and such things, not fo...
Dear All – Mmerry Christmas I have a problem when the all clients are connected across of PPPoE Tunnel connection with the Internet, the situation is: a. Buffering when the watching video, movies, television Online and these have 720 or 1080 fps”frame per second” b. Buffering, stop when the play wit...
Hello WirelessRudy. Its better if you request the firmware version to Mikrotik Support but please specify to them what is the firmware that you need. Example: I request the firmware version 2.26 but not work ok, after that I downgrade to firmware 2.20 all work Fine. But the firmware that They sent t...
WirelessRudy Example: If you have a RB493AH update with 5.6 Ros Version and Firmware 2.29 only that you need to request to Mikrotik the Firmware 2.20 and when you receive this firmware file you need to put into Files and after you need to go to Console and run the following command: sys rou up and ...
thanks for the tip, zervan . others should also check if there are no attacks on your router at the time of the problem. high CPU usage is also suspicious. remember also that in v5.7 there is a DHCP server bug, where it causes high resource usage if it's on a disabled interface. this is fixed in v5...
Dear All User Affected I correct the FLAP Problem on my Network. Situation: Apparently the new version 5.6 and the firmware that come together with this version come with the flap problem and affect the Mikrotik Equipment RB493, RB493AH, RB433AH, RB750 Etc, the problem start on the port 8 or 1 to or...
Dear WirelessRudy and Ivoshiee The main point is that i dont found on internet a site from where I can download the older version to download.- On Mikrotik Forum exist a topic that show how to do this but when do you go to the firmware file is actual 2.36. Mikrotik.Wiki not recommend...
Dear Rudy The problem is on the Firmware 2.29 that this firmware coming with any error and I dont know how I can put back to the older version of firmware on my RB433AH. Do you know how I can do this, please specify from where I can download the before version. We have install 50 AP RB433AH and we n...
Dear Mikrotik Forum I apologize for my write but its 1:31am 03/89/2011. My scenery.: Main Router (OSPF) --- RB1000(switch)/routing --RB433AH(PtP)/bridge -- RB433AH(PtP)/bridge ---RB1100AH(PPPoE)/OSPF--- RB493AH/Bridge 5 port (where is connected 4 AP) --- RB433AH/Two Radios/Bridge---End Ten days ago ...
but of course, if you only use 90% of your CPU, it means you bought a CPU that is too fast for your requirement. this is an exaggeration, but true. mostly you would need to keep additional CPU resources for some special load times ("just in case"). wiyat your images don't work because you...
If u disable encryption, u use less CPU, is form of optimization. Doubt it is your MTU. If you set yes for MTU in client profile, mikrotik will dynamical create firewall rules that correct your MTU. Never said any thing about simple queues. If you have got 1500 PPPoE connections with queue rules, y...
Hi I had this problem when we have 4.x version but after on 5.x version we not have this situation, the only problem that I detect that some days on the midnight I can see on my cacti graphics report that I had bad signal and this signal value change after to 6am to next day. Its very difficult to m...
Dear User Let me tell you that I had this problem when we start to use NV2 but we detect that this situation was for two reason. 1.- Interference: but some time we detect that we not have an interference and we change the Mikrotik Radio on the AP and we use R5H because have more filter and the signa...
嗨后通知我的问题Mikrotik sen雷竞技网站d me back the follow comments: 1.- Upgrade the AP and Client to 5.5v 2.- Change the PPPoE Server Encryption to NO 3.- Check the CPU usage when I testing the speed 1/:-Done 2/:-Done 3/:-Remember that my Board is a RB433AH and when I testing the speed ...
Sorry, for some reason can’t seem to open your attachments, but i think i understand better now. TCP is a better reflection of real life throughput and sounds to me like your actual max speed are around 13 M/s. First of you have to say which model of Router board u are using and also maybe NStream,...
Hi Egate. I attach other pic, because I make a test using TCP and UDP from a Client that is connect on this AP and if you observe I have different value on the Throughput. Actually this AP is in production and it have a traffic of 9MB, after that I make the test I have the follow comments or questio...
Did you do the test with TCP or UDP, use TCP and also both up and down together? What size RB do you use as AP and also is you AP set up as bridge? Tk.u Egate for reply. Yes, I testing with TCP and UDP and I get more than 13MB. My situation is when the clients that they have a PPPoE Connection with...
让我给你介雷竞技网站绍在20亲爱的Mikrotik用户tand my situation.- We are installed a Mikrotik network using PPPoE Server/Radius and my small scenery is: CLIENTS ----> AP/TOWER ------> PPPOE SERVER ------> INTERNET My situation is: After to install 10 or 25 or more clients over the AP we make a M...
We are a WISP company , at the moment we have installed a small Mikrotik network and we have some problem where I think that maybe the situation is latency. I present to you our network where only that I include one CPE RB411 and two point to point.- We have install and configure The Dude monitoring...
Dear Mikrotik Support We have installed 50 RB411 using PPPoE client connexion our PPPoE Server have a Daloradius Server to allow/rejected all request.- At the moment we only use the Daloradius to assigned the rate limit and work fine because after to assigned the rate limit we go to Mikrotik/Winbox/...
Dear The DUDE / Mikrotik user I have one month reading information that exist on this THE DUDE/Forums and others forums on the network finding the information that permit to monitoring some parameters on our RB333/RB411 Remember we are a Mikrotik WISP 1.Alignment: Currently we use the parameters Sig...
亲爱的伙计——Mikrotik用雷竞技网站户我们已经安装了50RB411 like CPE join to AP Mikrotik RB333.- At the same time we have install and configure THE DUDE to monitoring if the CPE are live or dead using the ping services.- We consider that we need know if exist any latencty between them for this reason w...
DEAR ALL I apologize to write here but I need your help with the following please.- read and send me back your comment or if you prefer send an email to marco @ telplay net The following note is my problem. Thank you Dear All I have problem with my Radius because it have 2 Millions of logs but i don...
I would be great if the first people to test the new 802.11n support in RouterOS v4 beta 3 would post their experiences here in this thread. Anyone who will post some 802.11n wiki tutorial with images and setup configurations that work with good speeds, will get a Level6 license from me Wrote Mark:...
Dear All I have problem with my Radius because it have 2 Millions of logs but i don't know how I can remove/delete because the only way that i know if one by one, this process isn't good to me.- For this reason I request to you the help, maybe you know any script to execute and delete automatically ...
Dear All We need install freeradius + dialupadmin + mysqlon our network to management our client but Its my first time to install this software under debian 5, please if you have any guide, manual, abc to install and configure, please send me your link or comments. I had two day that I tried to inst...