Still need these Chris?What are the commands to set 66000 and add 66000 in the scan list on the client and AP sides?
Haha, oh yes I always try upgrading firmware as a last-chance fix for things like it. I even took it to 6.35 before replacing itHello Wispwest
What wersion of ROS are You using?
Please read change logs for version 6.35 - there is a lot of changes related to flapping ports.
So, will this help improve PtP throughput performance for 802.11n or AC?
I'd also love having a 10Ghz and 24GHz high capacity backhaul from Mikrotik!
How much bandwidth do you need to pass?
The first one in all the statements. Right now, its the NetMetal. Listed below is my previous configs with Master/Slave:Which is the master side? I'm referring to the Airport end...
It will if you have it selected with no antenna connected. Keep it unchecked and you'll be fine.I think were going to try these at dual polarity. Will it harm the boards if I keep that 3rd chain unselected?
I can push 980mb UDP to the master side from our core CCR so its not a bandwidth testing issue. Speedtest on laptop was ~160mb with data rates 866/866.use a pc to do speedtest not the routerboard itself
Bout 1.5 miles. Already reduced TX on both ends to 10db. That's not the problem though. Because same exact issues on the next link out from this one that is 7.8miles and signals -54/-53What distance? Try reduce TX power on both sides. Ideal registration table signal is from -50 to -60
Is it an "Atheros" based card? I found a few on eBay from China I just ordered. Somebody has to know of some card that works...can anyone post links to the 802.11ac cards your using??? I'd like to order some and google didn't help!
have you activated wireless-fp package?
Was that photo-shopped? How come the 6.11 final doesn't show that...It seems that something is going on with 6.11rc1 and new wireless package.
Yes, I've tried everything, even the 6.8rc. Even rolled back to the earlier 5.xx versions, no change no matter what I do.Do you have latest RouterOS / bootloader running on these units?
In the beta forum, I dont' see anything for that. Just topics by users, no "6.8 beta" release or any download links. Could you provide me D/L link? Or make sure I have beta privilages?You mean here? I have this:
Is that safe??? What are the risks??why not try overclocking to 720mhz.
Where do I disable "connection tracking" ???If you disable connection tracking and don't do any other cpu-heavy stuff then the CPU on this board is fast enough for the fastest 3x3 802.11n/NV2 connections.
but this is RC7 shouldn't it be at leastsomewhatstable?!?!?You missed a "!")
you kidding me? metal is the most power CPE made, up to 31db TX power!!! Big difference from the groove...The Metal is just the groove in a steal case is it not? The Groove is a mipsbe board. mipsbe is the platform for the RB4xx.