IMHO , That's the right answer from CZ. Discussion should end here or head towards wish list zone ... :)I guess if all those good things were in place, we would be paying Cisco prices for Mikrotik :-)
This saved my day as well. Thank youBasic way of getting the an interface's IP address is just to use this:ros code
:put [/ip address get [:pick [/ip address find interface="Wan"] 0] address][/code] Replace "Wan" with whatever the interface's name is.
Viktor:how I can contact victor ?The SNMP feature in radiusmanager hasn't worked since Ubiquiti 5.5.x firmware.
I contacted Victor to see if he could work on it but unfortunately, he said he did not have time to fix it so who knows if it'll ever work again.
Noted. I saw that later. Will test it.So if you have the same issue, then the solution should also be the same:viewtopic.php?p=620765#p620765
/tool fetch url="http://KANNEL_GW_IP:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms\?username=kannel&password=KANNELPASSWORD&to=923333021909&text=TEST+MSGS"
as zero suggested, either increase pool length OR [preferably] make lease time lesser. I usually configure 6 hours which is suitable IMHO.@Zero
Sir Zero thank you for give me an answer i put my leases time is 2d 10:00:00 you thing sir this is cos the problem why i got unassign IP's sir?
/ip firewall layer7-protocol add name=VIDEO-L7 regexp="^.*(*\\\$"
are you looking for cacti or mrtg?Does anybody have template for temperature, voltage, consumption for rb1100ahx2?
:全球选择“上”;:如果($选择器=“on”)= {:log warning "Selector is ON" } else={:log error "Selector is OFF";} }
Kindly clarifyhello gays .... i have a question please:
:put [get 0 value-name=address]
You can simply create a Filter Rule to block thehttpsport 443 for theexpired usersip works well but i noticed something like a bug.
https connection aren't blocked or redirected, such as facebook and google.
anyone who have faced this issue or have a solution ?
add address= network= broadcast= interface=WAN2
Good newsNORMIS, & waiting for new WINBOX ...Yes, this is true. Do not "save" passwords on a PC where you are not the only user. We are working on a new Winbox where you will be able to set a master password, that will encrypt your passwords.
/ip proxy access add action=deny disabled=no dst-port="" path=/badsite/
/ip proxy access add action=deny disabled=no dst-port="" path=/badsite/
/ip fi nat ex
/ip fi man ex
/ip route ex
Hmm try this one.Thanks joshaven for helping me.
if possible u give me any example configuration so that is easy to understand for me