terminals only understand characters,
We’ve had F1 onANSI X3.64 compatible terminalsat least since the VT220, released in 1983. If you’re using a terminal emulator that can’t send F1, get a better terminal emulator; they’re plentiful.
terminals only understand characters,
never knew they added a reset button straight to netinstall function, that didn't exist when I started using netinstall
Next step: try it on the CRS328, with its piddlin' 16 megs of flash.
I'll probably stick with RPi and SSH.
Or is my logic flawed ?
It would be great to have option to nest docker in a docker, or at least have an option to mount /var/run/docker.sock
I am looking for something that can be rack mounted.
/container/add cmd="" ...
latest long-term version RouterOS
apache2: could not open error log file /var/log/apache2/error.log.
12:41:51 container,info,debug AH00015: Unable to open logs
…thefalse beliefthatjust put the httpson that deviceand it becomes safe...
There else should I check please?
Of course in v7 use/export show-sensitive terse
Nobody sane runs containers on internal flash.
there is actually no need for a native ARM build
Is it possible to "mount" usb devices in a container ?
How can it affect the CPU load so drastically?
My AdGuardHome runs fine with an IP from the subnet sitting on the main bridge
I was looking into documentation and I didn't see how one would do port mapping with Containers in ROS 7.
(traffic passing between ports on different switch chips hits CPU ... pretty hard if CPU is not very fast).