interesting discovery.
It would be good for mikrotik to acknowledge and fix
It's a requirement of the mikrotik QoS interface. Not setting any value here just defaults to a bucket size of 0.1.I don't "get" why anyone needs to set a bucket when using cake. Cake has its own shaper.
I disabled and deleted my wireguard config (which Iwasusing) while trying to debug this trace of wireguard
cake QoS.What have 7.2 for hAP ac2 that 6.48.6 can not do?
Thanks for forcing me to do this - perhaps I'm going back to the drawing board. Cake seems to make my upload nice and consistent, but download and latency is still all over the shop.
Nice! Now run some flent tests!
You can only assign a single interface queue. How do you handle asymmetric bandwidth limits?You should put cake as interface queue, instead of creating simple queues for it.
Thanks mate - not a slow reply at all! Mine is syncing 106/41 so I'll throw that in there for now, go for a few days, then see how it is.I have 100/20 VDSL2.. and this setup has been working like a dream! (The speeds are set to the sync rate in the modem 104/22.. YMMV)