Same problem here.Only read-only irq for xxv710 nic.may you elaborate little bit further?
*) x86 - fixed SR-IOV support for Intel X710 series NIC;
we use them and the only issue is the fact that we must use only auto about cpu irq interface queue. Is it something about?
The hardware design do not support 6GhzEurope has recently openend 5925-6425 MHz spectrum for indoor/outdoor LP use, is hAP ax^3 able to this range?
Ros V7行之有效。J4125 +牛皮纸+ ros v7 + cx4 lx SR -IOV enable.Any news about SR-IOV support?
How do you know that?This bug seems to be fixed in 7.1 beta5.
Yes,clients can not get DNS information when router rebooted.You mean DHCP server does not hand out DNS servers information to DHCP clients?
DPDK is the future and TNSR is the soluation.Mikrotik did not work hard on x86.Maybe they want to shell more CCR routers.It doesn’t make sense even to support,routeros has weak TCP performance,