Is there anyone?

hAP ac^2 item "Sector writes" is present. But the item "Bad Blocks" is missing*) winbox - fixed missing "Sector Writes" for certain devices under "System/Resources" menu (introduced in v7.8 );
The seventh version is also good. 302 days and 170 TB of data. It could have been longer if Russia had not destroyed our energy.good version
Where a can find skins in winbox?What's new in 7.1rc1 (2021-Aug-19 13:06):
*) added skin support for WinBox (WinBox v3.29 required);
Hallelujah :-) Thank you very much for the prompt solution of the problem.Here is an updated fix_space.npk package for SMIPS devices
Because the problem of the smips firmware did not start yesterday. And this is not the last one. Therefore, my question is not related to a specific version change, but is more related to the global principle of changing firmware to smips.Why open dozen of thread for same thig?
No more free memory. 6.6 MB. The static ip addresses in dhcp server are the only thing that I changed in the simple haplight configuration. Removing static ip did not help./ip dhcp-server lease remove [find]
and reboot
当然可以。1) you have rebooted?
And I will lose connection to the router. No, I'd rather be with the old version of the software .2) full reset the config
Before comand free-hdd-space: 6.6MiBand rebootCode:Select all/console clear-history
help to reduce used size....
This is the most amazing thing I read lately :) .It's still not about CPU:viewtopic.php?f=2&t=27814&p=134483#p134483
Wow. Mikrotik programmers use telnet and do not use winboxConsole:
Yes. But this topic is named long-term too. Confusion from mikrotikTry this:
It is not trueWell, technically speaking, it's still "bugfix", not "long-term"
Thank youYou have to disable DDNS service on v6.43 before downgrading for it to work on older versions.
It's strange. I have this information on my hAP ac^2.hAP AC^2:
Like shown in the my examples, the problem exists.Like shown in the examples, there is no problem with any monitor settings. If you have a problem, maybe it is caused by something else in your PC.
It's for me? I tested AC 5GHz. When scanning hap ac ^ 2 did not find any transmitters 5 GHz near.Given you have now shown you are in a noisy setting for 2.4GHz
Oh, for such conditions it's great resultsIn fact, there was a wall in between the two routers. They were about 5m apart.
No. Now, with rc56, router reboot correctly.Can you repeat thisreboot loopafter Netinstall with RouterOS and RouterBOOTversions?Code:Select all.rc56
In version 6.42rc52 on Hаp Ас^2 there are problems with Interface/interface list. Tools that use interface list do not work. Such as the MAC winbox server or parameter In. Interface list in firewall rules.闪烁后最新6.42 rc52 Winbox不是一个uto detect my hAP AC2.