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Mon Aug 13, 2018 2:06 pm
论坛:Wireless Networking
Topic:Caps selecting same channel

Re: Caps selecting same channel

Just updated to 6.42.6, nothing has changed. AC radios are still selecting the same channel, this is quite annoying. I wish it was possible to just manually select my own channels in capsman, punt some radios off to a preferred channel.
Tue May 22, 2018 10:33 am
论坛:Wireless Networking
Topic:Caps selecting same channel

Re: Caps selecting same channel

如果all APs are managed by CAPsMAN and all airspace is clear, why shouldn't it 'fill up' the available spectrum within the location before doubling up on frequencies? A simple round-robin would do that. If a foreign network appears, then do something about it, but otherwise use as much as is ava...
Tue May 22, 2018 3:58 am
论坛:Wireless Networking
Topic:Caps selecting same channel

Re: Caps selecting same channel

I'm having this issue too. I have a pair of hAP AC2s and CAPsMAN running on my hEX, and today on 6.42.2 both are choosing the same channels for 2.4G and 5G. Forcing a reselect on the 2.4G fixes it temporarily, but on 5G both APs just take the first available channel since there is no other 5G around...
Fri Feb 02, 2018 5:32 am
Topic:MikroTik News February 2018 (Issue #80)

Re: MikroTik News February 2018 (Issue #80)

Ok. May be it also depend on the CAPsMAN configuration ? If yes what are the most limit factor ? The CAPsMAN (in my case CRS124) or the CAP (in my case hAP AC) ? In CAPSMAN setup with CAPSMAN forwarding enabled the CAP creates a tunnel to the CAPSMAN controller. This needs CPU power. With CAP AC wi...