Userman dont have menu in winbox ... you give totaly wrong answerNegative rating without any reason?
What are you takling ? about harry poterIt's not wisely to store your logs into LOGs,Setting Syslog is better.
And also you can decide what to log in:
System / Logging
for me commandin x86 base Terminal, exporting error.
Anyone same problem like this?
/tool user-manager database set db-path=disk1/user-manager3
Thanks Normis !markom. please read a few posts can already change the style yourself
on this link there is no speed results ?See here a linktest that i made.
You can copy and paste this configuration if you will ... -500-eceee
I hope this helps you
I also ... why not allow old theme users who want old style ?I would prefer the older design, is it possible to switch the older theme ?
System reset ... and then reconfigure all again ... keep configuration file and userman database ...Hi
reset what?
reconfigure what?
can you describe please...
It will be nice if you share with us how you solve problem ... maybe will someone also someday heave same problemthe problem has been solved by myself thanks guys for your help and support .. !!
If he have RB Ap ... probably is posible ... i did not tryI understand he wants to prevent ip scanners in loacal network to detect "live" hosts.
/ip firewall nat add action=redirect chain=dstnat comment="transparent proxy - hotspot net" dst-port=80 in-interface=hotspot protocol=tcp to-ports=3130
Welcome to CroatiaIn rooms there is no wifi
On fourth floor things has changed
Yes I know thaticmp isnt port 80 and therefore wont be proxied.
For me it working ... on x86hi, can somebody try to chance the logo with 5.19?
nobody else has this problem?
must i open a ticket?
thank your for any hint!
Did you asign IP to bonding interface or bridge ?230mbps is UDP generated and 100mbps is TCP traffic. No settings except bonding, bridge and IP.
/tool user-manager user set [/tool user-manager user find comment="test"] name=test password=test group-name=test subscriber=admin disabled=no
Yes I want my network split or divide into 2 network ... What is wrong with that?you this trying to divide the link in two different nets!!!!!
/ip firewall nat add chain=dstnat src-address= action=redirect to-ports=3128 (your webproxy port)
/tool user-manager database rebuild
/tool user-manager log remove [find]
Hm this is not working ?不可能在脚本中使用数量,but you can use for example comment or username.
Code:Select all/ip hotspot active remove [find username=test]
{ :local "pppoe1-status" ([/interface pppoe-client get [/interface find comment="ADSL"] running]) :put "Status=$pppoe1-status"; :put ($pppoe1-status=false); }
add in-interface=Local dst-address=! protocol=tcp \ action=redirect to-dst-port=3130 comment="transparent proxy" disabled=no
ip firewall rule input add in-interface=all action=drop comment="Log and drop everything else"