Well we configure about 50 mikrotiks a week; and we do so by plugging into our network and mac-telneting in. It is quite easy because you can copy backup files; and router OS files; and compare setting to live devices much easier. What I was trying to do was lock down the network our workstations ar...
You would have to setup up static leases in the DHCP->Lease for these customers; and add another network in the DHCP -> Network. Not sure if this is possible. You would have to experiment. You may want to hand certain customers static DHCP leases and then do separate one to one NAT rules for their I...
2 different IP networks on the same Mikrotik Router. Would like users on each IP network to be able to mac-telnet to the other IP network. Is this possible? What strategies would be used to do this?
Hi Can anyone suggest high power miniPCI cards ( need to install 3 of them into RB 433AH ) with 800mw to 1000mw of power. I need 3 of them to be installed inside mikrotik RB433AH. I need cards that support 801.11 a/b/n ( seperate or all in one). ( MIMO optional ) Price suggestions are also welcome....
I am confused. How do I manipulate data rates for an SU where the Rx Rate is 54 and the Tx Rate is 6 and those values never change. I can get it to where Tx and Rx rate are the same and never change but never to where they are different and never change.
I upgraded a 450g to 5.0beta2. Then downgraded to 4.8 and the ppp; dhcp package are missing and it won't reboot for downgrade from inside winbox now. FYI.
I have tried going into Winbox and opening up the ethernet port and changing settings in winbox; by unselecting full duplex or auto negotation; or switching to 10M. Is that what you are talking about? Or do I need to go into the command line to do this.
我连接朗讯®TNT-SL-E100-V-C以太网Card to a Routerboard 450g and it will not link up via ethernet. If I connect it to a 493AH it works fine. Is there any difference between the ethernet ports on these two boards? Any one have experience; the link below is for the Lucent card. An eth...
Original Config: 5 Access Points and 1 Hotspot. 1 DHCP server and everything in a Bridge. New Config: Network is routed and each access point has a different network and DHCP Server. Problem with New Config: Users jump around access points quite a bit and therefore they will get a new IP; but that w...
Is it possible to turn off the IP translation in the hotpot? In other words make it so clients have get a valid IP from the dhcp server for their computer to hit the login page.
Running hotspot using radius to authenticate on mostly 433ah and some 532. Most running on 3.30. After login the page says processing and just site there forever. If user goes to another web page the user is online and is logged in fine. Any ideas why it would not redirect them after logging in?
我没有读你的文章布鲁里溃疡t I am leaning towards version problem. 3.x and Metarouter don't work together correctly. I have quite a bit running on 4.3 so far without trouble. I will let you know...
Just ran a test with a Meta Router. Configured it. Everything working. Rebooted and the Meta Router lost its config. Memory was set at 30. Router OS 3.30 Switched memory to 16 and switched power supply from 18v to 15v. Reconfigured. Rebooted and it lost the config again! This is not working. Any sug...
Yes; you have to backup the main routerboard and then each meta router. In some cases backups have been a major problem for me on Meta Router. When memory size was set to 64 backups did not work correctly. Then you have to install the backups in the correct order.
I have had Meta Router lose their config a lot. It is a problem. One thing to try is keeping the memory assigned to the Meta Router on default size. I think new versions of 3.x should come out personally. Is 4.x even stable?
ccr, what are you powering yours with? These are the power supplys I've tried: 1. 28v 0.8amp the one pictured above. 2. ubiquity nanostation2 12v 1amp 3. Tycon Power Systems 5port switch 24v 5amp version The nanostation2's is the only one that seems stable, which is odd because it seems like a chea...
I have a bunch of 450's out in the field using 24v power supplies. Not working right at all. Rebooting. Losing their config. Is 24v power supplies the problem? Will 18v fix it? What a mess.
1. Client and Server for an L2TP tunnel are both Mikrotik. 2. Client will only establish an L2TP tunnel with the server(s) when the connect-to IP is the WAN IP address of the Server. 3. It will not establish with any other IP on the server. 4. Client will establish a PPTP tunnel with server to WAN I...
I am having a lot of problems with 450g on any OS. I have been upgrading directly to 3.28 and still having issues. 3.23 seems very unstable too. Mac-Telnet is hit or miss. Had problems with importing data into the Firewall -> Nat list. It will only import some of the rules and not others. Seems to o...
I am trying to find monthly statistics for total packets and total bytes that go through a certain router. All I have is a simple queue so far: name="queue1" dst-address= interface=E01-WAN parent=none direction=both priority=8 queue=default-small/default-small limit-at=0/0 max-lim...
I have a 532 board on 2.9.23 and I tried to upgrade to 2.9.39 but it says that the liscense does not support that version. The liscence says that is upgradable until Jan/01/2007.
Does anyone know the highest version I can upgrade to?
The following is a host list from a particular hotspot running 3.15. The ip pool is The LAN of the Hotspot is The infrastructure is Often times the address and to-address will change in the host list and we lose our monitoring to our infrastructure. All...
I haven't had much luck with API in Client/AP mode. It adds latency and doesn't seem to work that well, makes thing worse if anything. Tried with XR9, SR2, R52, SR9 etc. I would not recommend using it, but in some cases it may work, but normally, I would not use it.
Everytime we have tried to upload an export it has not worked. It could be because we had pictures uploaded and Router OS versions uploaded to it. I would do a hard drive backup.
Most likely based on the individual connection. Someone that has 54/54 can in theory push 54 regardless of who else is connected. That is how I understand it.
If I am understanding you correctly then you must use wds, no other way. if wlan2 connects to wlan1 wirelessly then for wlan2 to be an apbridge then it must connect to wlan1 via wds. No other way that I know of.
Sounds like you are having trouble with Vista computers. I personally think it is a Vista bug that Microsoft won't admit to but at any rate, upgrading to 3.10 or better should fix the problem. If that doesn't work, set static dhcp leases for the clients. If that doesn't work, disable the firewall in...
I noticed in 3.15 under the wireless tab of a wireless interface there is an option to check or un-check compression. Anyone know what this does? Also, is there any benefit to using ap and client mode setting for Adaptive Noise Immunity for access points? Does it add benefit especially if you have t...
In 2.9.x I used to have 2 radios, both in AP-Bridge mode and would connect to each via wds. Worked fine with SR2, SR9, R52 etc. I haven't been able to get the same situation to work when both radios are on 3.x or just one radio is on 3.x. I have tried it with R52->CM9 and SR9->SR9 with no luck. They...
When you have multiple ports bridged in 3.2 there are problems. 3 ports SR2 SR9 ether1 The bridge recognizes that the mac for the SR2 is its mac. If you do a scan on the SR2 or change channels, the mac address of the bridge switched to the SR9. Then after a while it switches back to the SR2 [this is...
When running a hotspot, under "Hosts" the "To address" and "address" differ for other APs on the network. For example Hotspot is AP1 is AP2 is AP1 is bridged with no dhcp-server and 2 wireless cards, one for backhaul and one for broadcast. Sam...
1. 2.9.5 fixed our Vista problem [2.9.46 had problems, along with other previous version with Vista]. 2. 3.x also fixed our Vista problem. 3. Switch wireless card from Public to Private also fixes it most of the time. 4. Turn firewall off on Vista has also fixed it. 2.9.5 was the most obvious fix th...
Does anyone know how to telnet from a Mikrotik to another device via telnet when said devices telnet port is on a non-standard port. For example: I want to to telnet to a Trango or Canopy that is on telnet port x, but there is no place to input x when using telnet in Mikrotik. From what I have found...
Anyone know which antenna ports are which for an XR9. I am very confused by this because, I had a 900Mhz that was working for about a month using 133board/Xr9. Then today I switched the port from A to B and it is still working, even working better now. Wouldn't it be an all or nothing thing?
Anyone have any experiences with putting clear tape over a ufl connector for a CM9, R52 or SR9 to prevent it from popping out. Is there any downside or risk to doing this?
We run multiple hotspots using solely mikrotik equipment. it is a username/password based system. we have multiple customers who cannot download automatic updates with their vista machines. we have no firewall rules except those that are built into the hotspot. Any ideas why this is the case? I am b...
Thanks for the info! At least I know that it will work. I will try with another card and see what happens. The rebooting was happening with 532/48V POE/I may have turned that power up over 18, this was the first time I had used the XR2 and didn't realize that they are different in terms of power lev...
Well 1. Have an 532 board with SR9 and SR2. The SR2 is in the band 2GHz-10MHz. When doing testing I swapped the SR2 with the XR2 but everytime I tried to switch to the correct band the 532 board would reboot. 2. Then I put the SR2 back in and build a new unit with a 532 board and XR2 and tried to ge...
I have a question and wondering if anyone had any pointers to get me started. Trying to use the DUDE and set it up so I can see how many active users, and name of user in the hotspot into a graph/list or something like that. Would like real time data without having to log into the Mikrotik. I am sur...
On the left side of the Dude where it lists all the network maps, could that somehow be alphabetized. We have about 150 network maps, so it would be nice if they were in order.
I cant seem to add a network for a map. It keeps saying error in ip address expected. I know we used to earlier version. I'm on 2.1 now, tried it on 2.2 and that didn't work either. Anyone else?
I don't see that working. I could see that going about 2 or 3 miles max. 900MHZ cant go very far from my experience? If if it did work, you could push maybe 1M if your lucky. Not an expert by any means, but I have worked with SR9 and they dont go that far. Plus there is a lot more 900mhz interferenc...
We have multiple AP's, all have the same SSID, and end user keeps connecting to the AP with the weaker signal. When we isolate the SSID of the AP he should be connecting to he connects fine with -57dbm. When we make all of the SSID's the same he connects to one with weaker signal and has appox. -80d...
在通知你:延迟重复间歇雨刷al -Repeat Count Under Individual Network Map you have: -Probe Interval -Probe Timeout -Probe Down Count Under Individual Devices you have: -Probe Interval -Probe Timeout -Probe Down Count Now I am curious as to how the settings under Individual Netw...
I have had a problem with email notifications when a device goes from up to unstable, up to down, and down to up. Using newest beta. First of all I do get the emails to come to my email address. Now there are two places to enable notifications, under settings for the network map and under each devic...
Alphabetical listing of Type of Device, Parents etc... It would help. For example when you add a device and are assigning a type, you have to sift through all the possible devices. And if you have 100s of devices... In addition when you choose its dependencies [Parents], and if you have 1000s to cho...
I have had all sorts of problems with the Beta version freezing. I have unistalled and re-downloaded. Also tried it on various computers. My computer never has a problem with freezing but the Dude is freezing all the time. Any suggestions?